Index of Thoughts

Monday, March 19, 2012

Bluebird Heels

My beautiful friend modeled for me for my Spring/Summer Marmie Photo shoot this past weekend, and she showed up with some brand new Electric Blue High Heels!

I LOVE them!  She got them at Target but I can't seem to find them online at Target.  So, I thought that I would share some other blue high heel love.

I love to name some of my high heels.  What would you name your Electric Blue High Heels?
I will call them my Bluebirds.
Step into the Sea Heel
Modcloth $79.99

Hot for Hemlock Heel in Cerulean  64.99
Modcloth $64.99


  1. I love the Chelsey Crew ones! Adorable much!

  2. loving the Mod Clothes!

    xo's, vanessa

  3. I love them all but I keep leaning toward the Andrea Bernes.
