Index of Thoughts

Friday, March 23, 2012

Favorite {Giveaway} Fridays featuring Forme Designs

Today, I am excited to introduce to you a local mompreneur who creates the some amazing jewelry!  Renell Good is a talented artist who has recently started Forme Designs.  Forme Designs was built out of a hobby, but then she had lots of people complimenting her work.  So, she decided to build a business out of it.  She loves being able to do what she loves while still being a full-time mom of two little girls.  Renell says, "Creating my jewelry is my 'for me' time- hence the name, Forme Designs (although it is pronounced for-meh). I work on it when my girls are napping or playing."

I met Renell through our local MOPS (mothers of preschoolers) group.  We were both on the board of different chapters in our town, and we would collaborate on joint events for the community.  Then, several months ago during one of my craft classes that I teach at Dahlia Floral Design I was teaching how to make leather wrapped beaded bracelets like the ones you see in Sundance Catalog.  She caught right on to the technique and kept on creating even more beautiful designs.  I LOVE these kinds of stories.  I think it is so encouraging to other mothers to do what you love & then to move forward with it.  I hope her story inspires all of you to create something 'For You'.

"My desire is to encourage people to consider handcrafted and local items in their purchases. There is such a unique story to that type of item. My story shows individual detail- no piece of my jewelry is quite like another I make. There's no mass production in Forme Designs!" 
-Renell Good, owner Forme Designs

Today, Mrs. Renell has graciously donated this beautiful copper necklace above (valued at $36.00) that I am hosting in a giveaway!  You can find her on Facebook as well as her shop on Etsy.  

Rules to Enter:
  • "Like" Marmie Facebook Page and Forme Designs for a chance to enter.
  • Follow A Marmie Life Blog for Two chances to win.
  • Make sure you leave a comment below saying "I liked Marmie & Forme Designs on Facebook and am now following A Marmie Life." Also tell us a dream that you would like to pursue one day for another chance.
  • Giveaway is over on Friday, March 31 at 12:01 am.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I liked Marmie & Forme Designs on Facebook and am now following A Marmie Life.

    I'm a mom of 3 that hopes to get back into graphite, pen and ink and painting soon. Having a curious 2yo around prevents me from setting up and making this dream a reality...for the moment. I'm inspired by the creativity of you and other moms, and look forward to creating again.

  2. dream today for myself: become a published print author...before paper books and magazines go by the wayside :-) Dream for my family: that Miss A quits this silly potty training regression she's on!

  3. I like both on facebook. I hope I win, these are so pretty. Dream job, well I already have it. To be a mommy to these sweet boys. After that, maybe a social working in the field helping families in third world countries learn to live sustainably for thier climate/environment. That would be sweeet!
