Index of Thoughts

Monday, March 26, 2012

Weekend Getaway: Ouray, CO

This past weekend we had the best little vacation 1 hour down the road in Ouray, CO.  It is the cutest little Victorian Box Canyon town.  We went with some of our friends who have two little boys.  We got there right before dinner time, and I had brought all the stuff to make homemade pizzas.  So, Laura & I started on the pizzas while the guys unpacked the car, and the kids explored every room, drawer & space on every floor!  The pizzas turned out delicious.  I bought pre-made fresh pizza dough in the Safeway deli and it was better than when I make it myself.  I will definitely being buying that more often.

Saturday morning we headed to play at Ouray's town park.  We kicked the soccer ball around and the kids played on the playground.  Then, we headed downtown to do a little sight seeing.  We stopped by Mouse's Chocolate Shop for a little treat!

Snack Time

A little Family shot
 This is in front of the cutest little what not shop called The Blue Pear.  So adorable.  I got the most adorable handmade necklace at the North Moon Gallery.  It's one of my favorite jewelry stores.  I always find something so unique and you can always find something in your budget.

 Before heading back to the condo we stopped at Ouray Brewery for a pint & a growler to go.  They have a rooftop patio to enjoy your beer & the views.  Downstairs in the bar they have swinging barstools that the girls Loved.

After lunch & a nap, we got ready to soak at the Ouray Hot Springs Pool.  It is a must do if you are in the area.
Miss Evelyn in her suit

 For dinner, we made our way to Buen Tiempo - a great family Mexican restaurant but, the wait was over an hour and with little kids at dinner time that was a No Mas!  So we headed back down to the Ouray Brewpub.

Here is the necklace I got from North Moon Gallery
After getting the kids down to bed, we busted out the board games.  Cranium is always a good time.  Shane is having a go at a Sensosketch!  Good Laughs that night.

Sunday morning we packed it up and went downtown for breakfast at the Silver Nugget.  With full bellies, we hugged goodbye and headed back home to unpack and have a restful Sunday.

Lodging - Elkhorn Townhomes, I also recommend Box Canyon Lodge or Beaumont Hotel (without kids)
Dining - Buen Tiempo, Bon Ton (without kids), Ouray Brewery, Silver Nugget, The Bakery
Recreation - Ouray Hot Springs, Box Canyon Falls, plenty of hiking, fishing & exploring in the summer, snowshoeing, ice climbing & skiing in the winter

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