Index of Thoughts

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Canyon Creek Laff In Comedy Night {Ticket Giveaway}

To those of you who aren't familiar with Canyon Creek Bed & Breakfast or don't live here in Montrose, CO - it's this charming little European style B&B on Main Street.  Local owners, Kendra & Daniel Morrow have created an atmosphere where you can enjoy outdoor live entertainment even with your kids in tow and enjoy one of Kendra's famous Blueberry Martinis!

quotes and sayings laughter

I am so excited about their newest venture this summer with the Laff In Traveling Comedy Club.  Starting May 6, 2012 every first Sunday at 7:30pm there will be 2 comedians coming to bring smiles to our faces and laughter pains to our sides!  Kendra is always the lead in our community with fun & new entertainment. And this venture is just what the Dr. ordered!



Kendra & Daniel are graciously giving away 4 tickets to their May 6 performance!  To enter our giveaway just follow the steps below! 

1) "Like" Marmie Bags Facebook page for two chances to enter.

2) "Like" Canyon Creek Facebook page for two chances to enter.

3) Follow amarmielife blog for 3 chances to enter.

4) Leave a comment about laughing below and if you have done any of the above steps to be entered for two chances!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I remember laughing with my mom when I was younger so hard that we would fall over and start crying. That was so funny! Good memories with laughter!

  2. When my youngest daughter was 3, she sprayed Fabreeze in our box turtle dry aquarium. We had to clean out all the bark & everything but it was so funny because she did it because she had heard me say he was stinky! I laughed til I cried!!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. As a kid I laughed so hard my stomach hurt, as an adult I laugh so hard i cry!

    You can tell when a laugh is authentic.


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