Index of Thoughts

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Something I wrote several years ago

This was written in 2010 during healing from a difficult time in my life.  It's interesting to look back on my writing & my feelings in the past and compare them to where I am today.  So thankful for the blessings of my life and all the gifts given to me EVEN the ones that God wrapped in really shitty packages.
 This is us Then

Truth is everyone makes mistakes - BIG ones & small ones. We have both contributed many mistakes in different ways. You have to both acknowledge them & be willing to do the work. Then, it is how you choose to learn from them to move forward and make life better. We have moved forward together stronger than before instead of running away which is the easier choice. Sometimes everything has to be deconstructed to build something new and better.

I encourage all of you to do the personal work that sometimes seems too hard and too painful - that is true love and true living and the key to real happiness. Keep your wonderful memories, realize the truth that you ignored-the illusions you wanted to believe, understand & have compassion for the real meaning of the actions/pain of others that was presented to you and really LET GO of the things that don't serve you well. There is no pride or integrity in lies/plans/coveting/harassment/disrespect (to name a few). I own and regret my hurtful actions/words created by my pain and anger - We try to send out our truth and love now because that is really what makes you feel better and enables you to learn & grow.

So here's to moving forward with a fresh start with this wonderful life and an opportunity for an amazing, conscious marriage that was actually made possible by a great mistake! It is all in your perception. "Our partners aren't here to make us happy that is our job - if given the chance they are here to help us heal the wounds of a lifetime." If you aren't happy with yourself then how can you be happy with anyone. First, heal & forgive yourself. Then you are able to heal each other in so many ways. We are so grateful for this. Honor and respect each other. Allow yourself to be healed as well.

Love to everyone - "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." - Plato