Index of Thoughts

Friday, September 13, 2013

"No more climbing out of crib" Toddler Pants {a marmie invention}

Evelyn is 25 months ago and graduated to a big girl bed about a week ago.  The first night was awesome.  She stayed in the bed and it all went well.  But all the other nights and naps have been awful.  She won't stay in the bed and now she climbs out of her crib.  Our family is exhausted and irritable.  Evelyn is cranky, unpleasant and screaming all the time about everything.  Around 3 am this morning and trying to put her back into her bed for over an hour, I decided that I have got to do something!  Andy ended up laying with her until she fell asleep.

During that time I scoured the internet for crib tents only to find out that they have been recalled.  I read post after post about other families who are also at their wits end.  It seems the only solution is just to put a lock on the door.  That definitely helps but then they are still just awake for hours playing in the room and screaming and banging on the door.  My two older girls luckily never went through this.  They loved their crib and stayed in it until they were too big to sleep it anymore (after 3 yrs old).  A three year old is a lot easier to get to sleep in a bed than a two year old.

Around 4 am I thought of a really easy solution.  I just cut out a strip of fabric and sewed it between her knees on her pajama pants.  Then, I tested it out.

So far so good!  She tried to get out but couldn't.  If she tries to take off her pants, I have a solution to that - duck tape!  I used to tape Georgia's diapers on when she slept because she would take them off and pee & poo all in the crib.  Duct tape put a stop to that.

You know what they say about Duct tape.  If you can't Duct it then F*** it!  This is the point I am at here people!

I think I might even add an extra strip closer to the ankles too just for reinforcement.  This is an easy & cheap solution.  You could even sew a strip onto the footed pajamas.

Now, I can tell her if she doesn't stay in her bed then she will have to get in her crib with the Crib Pants on.

Hoping our family can get some rest and enjoy our little one again.  Hope this will help other sleepless, crazed parents out there.


  1. So far so good! I will have to report back after a week or so. But when you get to this point, I am willing to try anything! haha

  2. Genius!!!! Did it continue to work for you? I think I'm going to try it.

    Thanks! :)

    1. It did work for me! I used them as more of a threat that if she didn't stay in her bed then she would have to get in te crib with the pants. It didn't take too many times. But I already thought about if you have a more stubborn child. You could sew a couple of leg strips on to footed pajamas. I think those would make it even harder. Hope this helps!

  3. omg!this is awesome! my 1 yr old just started climbing out of her crib and i am so worried she is going to get hurt and i have been looking for solutions everywhere and so far i think this is the best one...i never had this problem with my 3 yr old boy, and so far i can only find one sleeper sak thats big enough for her and keeping one thing constantly clean has become a challenge..this is genius thank u so much

  4. Anit-crib and playpen clothing see same concept but patent pending.

  5. This is an awesome idea! Thanks for sharing.

  6. This sleep deprived mama is going to try this! I know my 19 month old son isn't ready for a toddler bed. But he's just such a monkey. Thank you so much for the idea!

  7. Good idea. But have your next move planned out already. When my son was 26 months old, he kept bouncing on his crib mattress until he got high enough to flip himself out. And we bought a crib with the highest wall we could find.

  8. So how did it work out? How long did these work for you? Please! Nothing is working!

    1. So sorry that you are exhausted and at your wits end. I do understand! It worked for me. I used it to transition to the big bed. If she didn't stay in her twin bed then she had to get back in the crib with the pants on. It only took about a week and she was staying in her big girl bed.

  9. This is genius except my daughter can take off her pants herself.

  10. THANK you for sharing this. My 18 month old is not ready for a toddler bed but is incredibly strong. I have been miserable and terrified trying to figure out what to do to help her nap and sleep. I"m thinking material between legs, but also between elbows & body of PJs because she has incredible upper body strength!

  11. Try this with one piece footie jammies! If they can unzip their jammies put them on backwards.

  12. This is so cute. I read this 2 weeks ago, but I can't sew to save my life. I ended up buying a pair of pajamas (Little Grounders - that do exactly this. Probably my best purchase, right behind my car seat. I never would have even looked for them if it wasn't for this post, so thanks!

  13. OMG! This so smart and funny :) When we had a similar problem, we just switched from a crib to a toddler bed. I'm too lazy for other inventions. I think that the most effective way to keep your toddler from climbing out of the crib is simply to remove the crib altogether :)

  14. 3A492830AFRebecca4235D4CEF5November 24, 2024 at 4:21 PM

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