Index of Thoughts

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Protecting Your Potted Plants in Winter

This summer marks the first one that my Rosemary which I bought in a 2" pot is too big to move inside for the winter.  Here in Montrose, CO we have quite the range in USDA Hardiness Zones.  So, some winters my rosemary would be fine to leave outside and other winters can be brutally cold.  Since my rosemary has gotten so big, I decided to cuddle her up for the winter and keep my fingers crossed that she survives this winter.

Here's what I did.

- Placed four stakes inside pot to use as support.
- Wrapped pot and plant with burlap using twine.

- Leave a hole at the top for ventilation and winter watering.
- Stuff inside the hole tons of leaves and all around the rosemary between the burlap to insulate it.  I even put leaves between the burlap and the pot.

- Water the plant about once a month with luke warm water.

 Tips: Put your pot on the ground instead of an unnatural surface.  Keep your pot in a sunny spot.  Make sure your plant is in a big pot.  Don't use saucers.  Use a pot that is thick walled.  Cut off any dead branches or diseased looking ones.

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